Shinso Vampire Nagato

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  • I go to get breakfast and I return to 57 Negative Ratings and a boatload of insults...WHY!?
    Really he went running to an administrator. Can't even fight his own battles, pathetic...Whatever I've already discovered some of his other accounts, so I'll leave him alone here bye.
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    What accounts? And how?
    Pokemon Trainer
    Pokemon Trainer
    It's not "running to an administrator".. it's that you simply go everywhere and don't have respect. It's not nice to enter a forum and find messages like yours. If you have something that you don't like send a pm to the user and try to talk
    Finally finished getting my informative speech presentation on Reggie ready for tomorrow. Hopefully I won't loose my cool presenting.
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    DBZ Narrator: Jules has completed his assignment and has prepared the presentation, but will his Body be Ready? Find out next time in DRAGON BALL Z!
    Pokemon Trainer
    Pokemon Trainer
    DB Z? I thought Pokémon Z! XD
    First I lose the crown at school as the strongest... now I lose any and every battle...At times like this I question whether to quit Pokemon
    Pokemon Trainer
    Pokemon Trainer
    Why? I lose many battles in PoKémon Online and sometimes I take a long break and return when I feel...
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    Cause when your losing non-stop it gets to you. I've taken breaks and recreated my team various of times and nothing.I think one of my problems is my rules of never using Legendary or broken Pokemon (and that includes cheap strategies) that are impossible to beat.
    Pokemon Trainer
    Pokemon Trainer
    In Pokémon Online I continue to lose XD so don't give it too much importance ^^
    (or ask others to follow some rules like only NU, Ubers and so on)
    Well after finally getting the First Assault to open I get stuck with a incomplete nickname due to the game crashing while writing it and
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    completely demolished while playing... It's fun but completely aggravating when your the first to die and can't get a kill in at all...
    Pokemon Trainer
    Pokemon Trainer
    Why you don't open a thread for this? I think that many will be interested
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    Shinso Vampire Nagato
    Thing is since this is a closed Beta I don't think I'm supposed to talk about it too much in social media...Just searched and yea apparently I wasn't even supposed to reveal to anyone I became a tester XP...We shouldn't have to search up the rules for things like this they should have emailed them or something XP
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