
Pokemon Merchandise
Scale World Pokémon Scale World Cynthia with Garchomp
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Bandai announced today that a new Pokémon Scale World figure about Cynthia with Garchomp will be released in July 2022 in Japan.
This set cost 5.500 yen.

Cynthia is approx. 84mm x 43mm
Garchomp is approx. 95 mm x 105 mm

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Scale World Pokémon Scale World Volkner with Electivire
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Bandai announced today that a new Pokémon Scale World figure about Volkner with Electivire will be released in May 2022 in Japan.
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Volkner is approx. 93mm
Electivire is approx. 90mm
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[Kotobukiya] Pokémon Center Original Figure: Latios and Latias
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A new figure made by Kotobukiya, Latios and Latias, will be released in Japan at the end of June 2022.

The figure is based on the illustrations drawn by Ryudai Murayama
Price: 16.500yen
Size: approx. 16.8 x 18.2 x 13 cm
Weight: approx. 600 g
Product code: 4521329371917

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Scale World Pokémon Scale World Bede with Hatenna, Hattrem and Hatterene
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Bandai announced today that a new Pokémon Scale World figure about Bede (Pokémon Trainer version and Gym Leader version) with Hatenna, Hattrem and Hatterene will be released in April 2022 in Japan.

Bede (Pokémon Trainer ver.) is approx. 83mm
Bede (Gym Leader ver.) is approx. 83mm
Hatenna is approx. 20mm
Hattrem is approx. 30mm
Hatterene is approx. 105mm
The set cost 4950 yen.

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Scale World Pokémon Scale World Sinnoh
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Bandai announced today that a new Pokémon Scale World set about SInnoh will be released on January 2022 in Japan.
The set cost 3630 yen.
Material: PVC
Size: 1/20 - the smalles Pokémon is Piplup (approx. H 20mm x W 18mm) and the biggest is Empoleon (aprox.H 85mm x W 75mm)

Lucas and Dawn
Turtiwg, Piplup and Prinplup
Chimchar and Monferno

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Nintendo Switch Lite Dialga & Palkia Edition
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A Nintendo Switch Lite: Dialga and Palkia Edition is set to release on November 5, 2021 to commemorate the release of Pokémon Brillant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Review: Pokémon Scale World Hoenn Region set
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Pokémon Scale World are a series of 1/20 scale (approximately) figures that feature Pokémon and Trainers characters.
These figures are all scaled to one another to make for realistic displays.
The first Hoenn set was released in Japan in June 2021 (was first scheduled to release in May 2021) and is made by Bandai.

JAN/EAN: 4549660582892

The figures comes in a cardboard box and inside it you can find 6 other boxes. All the boxes are numbered and feature the characters you will find inside.
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#1 Treecko and Grovyle
Treecko is approx. H2.5×W1.3×D1.8 cm
Grovyle is approx. H5.8×W3.5×D4.6 cm
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[Kotobukiya] Pokémon Center Original Figure: Leon with Charizard
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A new figure made by Kotobukiya, Leon with Charizard, will be released in Japan at the end of January 2022.

The figure is based on the illustrations drawn by Naoki Saito
Price: 27.500yen
Size: approx. 24.5 x 28.0 x 26.0: cm
Weight: approx. 1100 g
Product code: 4521329333274

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Leon and Charizard can be displayed separately.
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Review: Moncolle MS46 Regidrago
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Moncolle (Monster Collection) are figures that faithfully reproduce the form and color of Pokémon characters in three-dimensional form.
Regidrago is a figure approx. 4,5cm tall (5cm tall if you include the stand) made by Takara Tomy. The figure was first released in Japan in March 2021.
The figure comes in a plastic box so you can see the Pokémon inside it. Like other Moncolle, this one is numbered (the number is MS46).

JAN/EAN: 4904810172703


The figure require a little white stand because the figure don't stand on its own. The stand can hold up the figure perfectly (some other Moncolle stands aren't that well made and the figure sometimes falls down...)
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Review: Moncolle MS45 Regieleki
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Moncolle are figures that faithfully reproduce the form and color of Pokémon characters in three-dimensional form.
Regieleki is a figure approx. 4cm tall (4,5cm tall if you include the stand) made by Takara Tomy. The figure was first released in Japan in March 2021.
The figure comes in a plastic box so you can see the Pokémon inside it. Like other Moncolle, this one is numbered (the number is MS45).

JAN/EAN: 4904810172697


The figure require a little yellow stand because the figure don't stand on its own. The stand is a snap in type and can hold up the figure perfectly (some other Moncolle stands aren't that well made and the figure sometimes falls down...)
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