
Pokemon Merchandise
SHODO Pokémon Bandai SHODO vol. 6 release August 2021
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Bandai's newest "Pokémon SHODO" model kits vol. 6 lineup will be released this August in Japan.
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Set contents:
  • Lugia
  • Haxorus
  • Infernape
  • Luxray
  • "expansion parts set" that enables even more powerful poses for each Pokemon
Scale World Pokémon Scale World Steven with Metagross & Wallace with Milotic will release later this year
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Bandai announced today that a new Pokémon Scale World figure about Steven Stone with Metagross and Wallace with Milotic will be released later this year in Japan.

Steven Stone and Metagross will be released in Japan this August.
Steven is approx. 88mm x 40mm (HxW)
Metagross is approz. 80mm x 142mm (HxW)
Material: PVC
The figure cost 5500 yen.
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Wallace and Milotic will be relased in Japan this July.
Wallace is approx.91.5mm x 67mm (HxW)
Milotic is approx. 110mm (horn on the head inlcuded) x 115mm (HxW)
The figure cost 4950 yen.
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Moncolle Moncolle MS45 Regieleki and MS46 Regidrago are to release in March 2021
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Takara Tomy will release two new Moncolle (Monster Collection) this March. The two new figures are: MS45 Regieleki and MS46 Regidrago.
Moncolle are figures that faithfully reproduce the form and color of Pokémon characters in three-dimensional form.
Both figures are MS size (Approximately 3-4cm tall).
ARTFX J Kotobukiya ARTFX J Haruka/May with Torchic figure
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A new figure, "ARTFX J Haruka/May with Torchic" will be made into a figure based on the official artwork below, the first prototype was showed today in the official Kotobukiya Twitter page.

Release date: April 2022

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Source: Kotobukiya Twitter


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