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  1. TheRedbird32

    Giveaway Regigigas/Heatran serial code Giveaway (NA only)

    1. Will you reedem Marshadow in Pokémon Sun,Pokémon Moon, Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon? Ultra Sun 2. Do you have a NA 3DS console? Yes I do 3a. How many posts under your account do you need to enter this Giveaway? 20 3b. How many posts under your account you have right now? 26 4. Do you know the...
  2. TheRedbird32

    USUM Trading Thread

    Just wondering, are we also allowed to trade event pokemons here too?
  3. TheRedbird32

    Upcoming Pokémon Merchandise

    Gotta say, the lillie figurines looks so nice. The Solgaleo, Lunala and necrozma looks cool too
  4. TheRedbird32

    Movies and Shorts Pokémon the movie 2018 now titiled "Pokémon: Everyone's Story"

    I can't wait till the movie comes out. Supposedly we might see a new pokemon!
  5. TheRedbird32

    Music What song are you listening now??

    Gotta Love This!
  6. TheRedbird32

    TV and Movies Funny Youtube Videos Thread

    I dont know how this works. But eh, this video is hilarious!
  7. TheRedbird32

    TV and Movies Funny Youtube Videos Thread

    He achieved perfect Ultra Instinct. Beerus should've used Shaggy during the tournament
  8. TheRedbird32

    Giveaway Regigigas/Heatran serial code Giveaway (NA only)

    Is there a way to private message users?
  9. TheRedbird32

    Pokémon named as the most mentioned video game on Twitter in 2017

    No, I think its all the magikarps man. There's so much of them!
  10. TheRedbird32

    GS Which starter did you choose in the 3DS version?

    I, too, clone all the starters, but I used cyndaquil throughout the hole story line as he seemed to be the most versatile out of the three. He actually solo'd the Pokemon League for me!
  11. TheRedbird32

    GS Who is your favorite Johto Gym Leader?

    I really like Jasmine because she was like the only one who looked like she cared for pokemon. I found clair and whitney to be annoying IMO. Clair was in denial and whitney was a cry baby lol
  12. TheRedbird32

    XY Need Help

    So I skipped XY and I recently got one and I was just wondering, which starter should I choose? I don't know who is good.
  13. TheRedbird32

    What pokemon game do you have?

    What pokemon game do you have?
  14. TheRedbird32

    Pokémon funny images

    Lol Pokemon Memes, who would've thought that I'd be laughing at these. That image of Gen5 character riding the bike is too funny because of how true it is!
  15. TheRedbird32

    April CoroCoro: Lugia confirmed for movie distribution in Japan

    Yeah it really sucks, I've been scrambling around trying to see if I could find at least one code, so far this is my best luck :D
  16. TheRedbird32

    April CoroCoro: Lugia confirmed for movie distribution in Japan

    I mean a gamestop event is better than the current event we have. So much people signed up for the newsletter and received nothing from Pokemon Company. So sad
  17. TheRedbird32

    Have you ever cheated in a Pokémon game?

    Yeah, I was trying to clone stuff Masterballs in my VC and I did it the way you would clone in Gold and Silver and it wasnt working. I just waited a tad bit longer and I was able to do it!
  18. TheRedbird32

    Have you ever cheated in a Pokémon game?

    You're able to clone glitch, with VC crystal you have to wait a little longer than VC Gold. You have to reset the game after .5 seconds to 1 seconds after the whole sentence is done
  19. TheRedbird32

    April CoroCoro: Lugia confirmed for movie distribution in Japan

    Man, Japan always get the good events. Hopefull they'll distribute lugia when the movie comes out.
  20. TheRedbird32

    Crystal Crystal Recent Happenings Thread

    Whats the update on your celebi? I tried to shiny hunt for it but then I dont like my OT so im going new game lol
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