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  1. Diehl

    Rate the last game you finished

    Burnout Dominator (PSP): 85/100 Pros: - Great graphics - Nice and simple gameplay - LOTS of fun Cons: - The noise of the engines was strangely low, it was like the engines got muffled by the music and the other sound efects... Even that they are generic engine sounds, it's strange for a racing...
  2. Diehl

    Sports Who do you think will win the 2018 World Cup?

    I think Brazil can win, this time we have a great team, you know, Neymar, Gabriel Jesus and stuff... And that's cool 'cause I'm brazilian. :D Now, I also think Germany is also a great contender. I also wish Uruguay could do a good campaign (you know, I'm from the south of Brazil, so it's...
  3. Diehl

    Site/Forums Updates

    Gotta love the unread post counter, really useful!
  4. Diehl

    What videogame are you playing now?

    On PS3: Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2, FIFA 17. On PSP: Bomberman, Burnout Dominator.
  5. Diehl

    Last Pokémon thing you bought

    Well... Sort of. Brazil is a huge country and - unlike when I pre-ordered Moon - the best deal I could find was in a store from other state (from the center of the country, and I live in the south). That's why it will take up to two weeks for me to receive the game, but the price worth it. xD
  6. Diehl

    Do you prefer eating warm or cold breakfasts?

    Can't say... I usually have warm latte and bread (room temperature) or cereal (cold). So... A draw?
  7. Diehl

    Last Pokémon thing you bought

    I pre-ordered Pokémon Ultra Moon. Probably I'll receive the game like two weeks after the release, but I saved - at least - 40 bucks on this deal, so, I'm good.
  8. Diehl

    Last thing you bought

    I got a new job at my states' capital city, so I'm wasting like one hour on train and bus, so I got something to have fun while moving... A PSP Go! It's smaller than I thought but it's perfect, 'cause I can take it in my pocket without problems. :3
  9. Diehl

    What Pokémon manga are you reading right now?

    Pokémon Black & White Special! I bought the entire package with all the 9 issues released here in Brazil.
  10. Diehl

    New trailer shown for Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

    I like this more "theatrical-like" trailer, it was really nice. Probably I'll be getting Ultra Moon on pre-sale.
  11. Diehl

    Weekly Pkmn Discussion Weekly Pokémon Discussion #21: Gengar

    Oh, I love Gengar! It's so cool and funny! xD
  12. Diehl

    Nintendo Nintendo Switch (NX) General Discussion

    There is hope for the Swich! What's "Gear Club"? I don't know either, it has not the same "pedigree" as Gran Turismo, Forza, Project Cars, Asseto Corsa, or many others... But, look at those cars... Maybe the dream of a proper real racing game for a Nintendo console is back!
  13. Diehl

    Misty & Brock to appear in Pokémon Sun & Moon anime on September 14th/21st. Details

    I agree... SM art style is really... Different. I'd rather Pokémon Generations one, which is amazing, but again, I still sad with Pokémon Company for failing to give Iris a comeback in XY. :cry5: Now, if you're worried about them ruining May in SM... You know she probably is the next one to...
  14. Diehl

    Misty & Brock to appear in Pokémon Sun & Moon anime on September 14th/21st. Details

    This is great! I mean, after all those years... Pokémon Company finally listened to the fans! HOWEVER... (I know you'd see it coming) I don't... Care about it. I mean, I don't miss Brock or Misty that much, so, I still waiting for... You know, that girl.
  15. Diehl

    USUM Stuff I think would be cool in USUM

    1) Yeah totally agree, the "expressions" of the main character of SM were so... Odd. 2) Personally, I didn't like Pokémon ride... I'd prefer the bicycles. 3) I'd rather Unova ones I think it's going to happen soon.
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