pokemon day

  1. Pokemon Trainer

    Tera Raid Battle Tera Raid Battles: Mightiest Mark Pikachu (Water Tera Type)

    The Pokémon Company has announced the next Tera Raid Event. Pikachu with the Mightiest Mark will be appearing in black crystal Tera Raid Battles to commemorate Pokémon Day. The Pikachu appearing during this event has Water as its Tera Type. Event Schedule February 24, 2023, at 00:00 UTC to...
  2. Pokemon Trainer

    Pokémon Presents Announced for February 27, 2023

    The official Pokémon Twitter account announced that on February 27, 2023 there will be a new Pokémon Presents (Direct). The Presents will air onFebruary 23, 2023 at 14:00 UTC / 09:00 EST / 06:00 PST / 15:00 CEST / 23:00 JST. The livestream will last for 25 minutes featuring the latest news on...
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