pokemon special

  1. Pokemon Trainer

    PokéSpe SV Pokémon Special Scarlet & Violet Arc Discussion Thread

    In this thread we will talk about the Scarlet & Violet chapter!! :dance2: :happydance2: ALERT: there can be many spoilers about the SwSh chapters, please note that sometimes there won't be the spoiler tag The first chapter will be released his August (in the October issue of Korokoro Ichiban)...
  2. Pokemon Trainer

    Upcoming Pokémon Special (Adventures) release thread

    Good news! Volume 54 and 55 will be released in Japan on April 28, 2020!! (Sadly for now there isn't any cover :cry3:)
  3. Pokemon Trainer

    PokéSpe SwSh Pokémon Special Sword & Shield manga english Release launches August 2021

    Viz Media annouced today that Pokémon Special (Adventure) Sword & Shield manga will be translated into english. The first english volume will release on August 10, 2021. Story by Hidenori Kusaka, Art by Satoshi Yamamoto ISBN-13 978-1-9747-2418-5 Length 104 pages Source: VIZ Media
  4. Pokemon Trainer

    PokéSpe SwSh Pokémon Special Sword & Shield Arc Discussion Thread

    In this thread we will talk about the SwSh chapter!! :dance2: :happydance2: ALERT: there can be many spoilers about the SwSh chapters, please note that sometimes there won't be the spoiler tag The first chapter is available in "Pokémon Special volume 0" which include the first chapters of: BW...
  5. Pokemon Trainer

    PokéSpe B2W2 PokéSpe B2W2 Arc Discussion Thread

    In this thread we will talk about the B2W2 chapter!! Official website: https://www.sunday-webry.com/series/982 There's a new chapter on the official website!! Chapter 8: https://www.sunday-webry.com/comics/pokemon_sp_b2w2/ep008/
  6. Pokemon Trainer

    PokéSpe XY PokéSpe XY Arc Discussion Thread

    Here we can talk about the XY arc of Pokémon Special :yesyes: ALERT: there can be many spoilers so sometimes there won't be the spoiler tag Seems that in this chapter Y caught Xerneas and there's Blue with his Charizard!!
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