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Movies and Shorts Cocoon of Destruction: more details revealed

Pokemon Trainer

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Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
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The new CoroCoro is out! And we have the first leaks!


The movie will revolve around the battle (described as "magnificent") between Yveltal and Xerneas. The title of the movie is a reference to Yveltal but in the movie there will be many legendary Pokémon (like everyone remembers in the previuous issue there were Mewtwo) and Mega Evolutions.
The main characters will be: Ash, Serena, Citron and Eureka.

This time the event Pokémon will be choosed by the fans. The Pokémon to choose are: Jirachi, Victini, Manaphy, and Darkrai. The four of them will be featured in the Pika short called "Pikachu, What Kind of Key is This?".

Source: Anime News Network
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