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How did you get interested in Pokémon Special?

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Here in Italy they published the first volumes of Red/Blue and I bought one... after that no one published PokéSpe anymore but I followed the news/information about the manga since I wrote many pages for my website.
After some years I discovered some sites with scans and I started with the Ruby & Sapphire arc since Sapphire is my fav character. I loved that arc and after that I read the rest of the manga.
(Now in Italy they are publishing the BW arc and we finally are able to enjoy a PokéSpe arc, I hope they will translate even the other arc but for now I'm happy to have at least that!)


Elite Top Ranger
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I was scanning for some manga from Pokemon when I found the PokeSpe Manga. It got me interested and I read my favourite arc; R/S. Then aftet that arc, I got hooked.


Pokémon Trainer
Jun 4, 2015
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I didn't have any exposure to PokeSpe until very recently. For various reasons, I stopped watching the anime quite some time ago, but I heard that the manga was a completely different experience. I'm glad I picked it up, because I was immediately hooked. The characters were old, but refreshingly different from their in-game/anime counterparts. The story was familiar, but at the same time completely original. I've been trying to catch up in my spare time - I'm working through DPPt right now.

Ruby and Sapphire was my favorite arc by far!

Pokemon Trainer

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May 14, 2014
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I didn't have any exposure to PokeSpe until very recently. For various reasons, I stopped watching the anime quite some time ago, but I heard that the manga was a completely different experience. I'm glad I picked it up, because I was immediately hooked. The characters were old, but refreshingly different from their in-game/anime counterparts. The story was familiar, but at the same time completely original. I've been trying to catch up in my spare time - I'm working through DPPt right now.

Ruby and Sapphire was my favorite arc by far!
Same for me for with the anime! :yesyes:


Magnemite, go!
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Nov 3, 2015
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the same thing, well not really. I am a stupidly crazy Pokemon Fan. I discovered the manga randomly and read the RGB arc every night never finished it but then I came to Dubai, I bought a BW manga volume 1 (idk the total number of it though) and then later i got RS Chapter it was the 2nd volume but it was labeled volume 16 because PokeSpe follows the same world as previous characters or idk. and then i heard about the "I like you" Part and then I decided to read all of Ruby Sapphire, on my phone lol! and then later i got 4 more (5 BUT i'm not including the ginjis rescue team one but the art in that was so cute tho!) mangas they were from BW (Volume 3 4 5 and 6, I already 2 because I borrowed it from a friend i didnt waste my money on it for collecting purposes lol XD) and then later we got 4 more, from the DPPT arc.. (they are supposedly my sisters but i keep them in my room and i was the one who bought in the first place but using her money.) Oh also recently I purchased Volume 3 and 4 too, 3 is the last volume of the RBG chapter and 4 is the first one of the Yellow Chapter.


Careful, Confident, Classy
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When I was in 6th grade, my friend introduced them to me. I remember the day when we were headed to his home after school, he takes out the Pokemon Special volumes from his backpack. I think that was the first time I got to have a glimpse of it. later, in middle school my friends had started reading them too, and I eventually got to borrow a volume which was volume 17, the RS arc XD

When I got to read the Yellow arc, I realized that I've seen Pokemon Special when I was much younger, when I was 8 or nine, at my cousin's house. I recognized the scene withe the hitmonchan that had springy limbs haha

Anyway, I got obsessed with Pokemon special because the way the Pokemon world was depicted in it was so realistic XD I wanted to be a Pokedex holder so badly haha Sometimes I would role play as Ruby with my best friend as Gold roftl We tried to make our other friends be other characters but some of them didn't like it so much because I kept nagging them. Now that I think about it, it was silly but really fun haha
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