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Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
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Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
Today the official Pokémon YouTube channel released the first trailer about the special episiode called Pokémon Mega Evolution Act I.
This special will air on April 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. on Tv Tokyo.
The main character will be Alan with his Charizard. The other characters will be: Siebold (the Elite Four member), Manon, Louis and Ayaka.
The journey of Alan starts with the goal of defeat every Mega Evolution and to prove that he is the strongest trainer. But soon he will discover that even Siebold has a Pokémon that can Mega Evolve.
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