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Pokémon named as the most mentioned video game on Twitter in 2017

Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
Thread Owner
Staff member
Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
A blog post on Twitter published a top-10 most-mentioned video games on Twitter and Pokémon placed first with 45 million mentions in 2017!
  1. Pokemon (@Pokemon)
  2. Fate/Grand Order (@fgoproject)
  3. Monster Strike (@MStrikeOfficial)
  4. Splatoon (@SplatoonJP)
  5. Ensemble Stars (@ensemble_stars)
  6. Minecraft (@Minecraft)
  7. Granblue Fantasy (@GranblueUSA)
  8. Dragon Quest (@DragonQuest)
  9. Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch)
  10. Tap Tap Fish (#taptapfish)
With the main games (Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon), a game for the Switch, many mobile games (Duel, Shuffle, GO), a lot of merchandise and so on, it's no wonder that "Pokemon" was twitted that much!
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