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Pokemon Trainer

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PokedexHolder Ruby

"The Charmer"
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wtf...archie and maxie...

Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
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May 14, 2014
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Chapter 18 translations:
Source: tumbrl

pg 1

 Red: You… want to protect this planet!?

 Giovanni: Look.

 Red: That’s…!

pg 3

 Amber: Primal Kyogre!
 Blaise: Primal Groudon!
 ???: Even Rayquaza!

 Blue: The three legendary pokemon from Hoenn!?
 Red: Yeah! The ones that concluded that incident four years ago…!*

 Red: And that’s the meteor they talked about on the news?

 Giovanni: No.

pg 4

 Giovanni: That is one of the small meteorites from it.
 Red: Small!? That’s small!?

 Blaise: What’s… with that…
 Blaise: What the hell.

 Blaise: Being friendly like that…
 Blaise: The hell are they doing using Primal Reversion and fighting together
 like that…

 Blaise: That’s not my leader!
 Blaise: There’s no way thats the Maxie of Team Magma that said we’d
 awaken Groudon and cover Hoenn and the world with boiling magma…!

 Amber: …True, but as long as this planet is here…
 Amber: So-
 Blaise: I know!! I know that!!

 Blaise: I get it. If this shitty world is gonna be reduced to ashes, fine.
 Blaise: But I can’t let it be destroyed by some stupid-ass meteor!

pg 5

 Giovanni: Heh… I feel the same way.
 Giovanni: If this planet is destroyed, I can’t dominate it.

 Giovanni: I still…
 Giovanni: Can’t let Team Rocket end.

 Red: Look at these jerks! Indulging themselves!!
 Blue: ……?

 Blaise: Cut the racket!
 Blaise: Keep your mouth shut ‘til the meteor’s destroyed!
 Amber: Yes. For now, we’re taking a break. Let’s do what we can to protect
 this planet.

 Blue: Calm down, Red.Blue: I’m frustrated, too, but right now we need to
 focus on the meteor.

 Blue: So… What’s the situation?

pg 6

 Giovanni: Right now, it seems all right for me to say there’s no need for us to
 get out there.

 Giovanni: Look.

 Red: The meteorites are being vaporized…!
 Blue: They’re getting smaller and smaller!!

pg 7

 Ruby: What intense heat. Sapphire, are you okay?
 Sapphire: (Nod)

 Archie: Can’t it just be destroyed already!?
 Maxie: It looks like we’ll need a lot more power than this for the meteor
 coming three days from now.

 Archie: Guh…!
 Maxie: Archie!!

pg 8

 Archie: Damn it…! My body isn’t gonna make it for the real thing!

 Maxie: It seems we’ve consumed too much of the little energy we had left.

 Maxie: I think we could destroy… that meteorite… at least… Archie.

 Archie: Yeah… Looks like… things only go well when… we team up… Maxie.

pg 9

 Ruby: !?

 Ruby: What’s wrong, Sapph… Whoa!

pg 11

 Amber/Blaise: They did it!

 Amber: Our leaders!

 Amber: We have to help them!
 Blaise(?): Your name was Giovanni something, right!? Let us out of here!

 Amber: Leader!
 Blaise: Leader!

 Amber/Blaise: !!

pg 12

 Maxie: So you were alive, Blaise…
 Archie: Hello… Amber…

 Amber: Leader, this is…!
 Blaise: Leader! It’s you, right!?

 Blaise: Please, hang in th…

pg 13

 Amber: Blaise, you can’t touch him!
 Blaise: Then what am I supposed to do!?

 Maxie: Put a sock in it.
 Maxie: There’s nothing we can do. Our time’s up.

  Amber: What… What happened, leader!?

 Archie: Well, it wouldn’t hurt to talk about it in the time we have left.
 Maxie: True.

 Archie: We took the red and blue orbs into our bodies and fused with them.
 Maxie: Then, a considerable amount of our energy was lost- Enough to
 make supporting our bodies incredibly difficult.

 Maxie: But with the armor “Eternity” and sword “Instant’s” power, we could
 live longer.
 Maxie: I fought with Archie over the single set…
 Archie: And I won.

pg 14

 Maxie: The moment I lost, I found myself in a strange place.
 Maxie: A nonsensical realm where I didn’t know if I was up or down- upright
 or sideways. Was I only there for a moment, or was it an eternity? I thought,
 "This must be that world.“

 Archie: Then, I lost the fight at the Battle Frontier, and went to that realm.

 Archie: There, we only existed as consciences with no bodies…
 Archie: No, we might have existed at the molecular level.

 Maxie: There, we…
 Archie: We…
 Archie/Maxie: Became one.

 Archie/Maxie: How much time passed is a mystery…
 Archie/Maxie: One day, a hole opened.

pg 15

 Maxie: That moment, we heard a voice call to us.
 Archie: We headed towards the hole,

 Archie: When we awakened…

 Maxie: Guided by the voice, we headed to Kanto.
 Maxie: It told us to learn Mega Evolution, get the orbs, go back to Hoenn,
 and become one with Kyogre and Groudon again.

pg 16

 Maxie: Whether that voice was Kyogre and Groudon’s or this planet’s, we
 don’t know.

 Archie: Regardless, we were called back from that realm to protect this

 Maxie: …But it looks like we didn’t have the power… necessary…

 Archie: Maxie, if someday we could live again, I want to…
 Maxie: Yeah… Let’s team up again… Archie.

 Maxie: So… Bla…ise…
 Archie: Am…ber, protect this…

 Archie: Pla…net…

pg 17

 Amber: Lea…
 Blaise: …Lea…

 Amber/Blaise: Leeeaaaderrrrr!!

pg 18

 Red: Kyogre and Groudon went back to normal…

 Red: They can’t move!

 Giovanni: With that much power, they only managed to destroy a single
 Giovanni: One may wonder many hundreds of times larger with the meteor
 coming in three days be.

 Red: Giovanni! What can we do!?
 Red: Tell me!!

 Red: We can’t just sit here watching with our arms crosed!!

pg 19

 Giovanni: ……

 Ruby: C-Calm down, Rayquaza!!

 Ruby: We already handled the meteorites… What are you so up in arms

pg 20

 Ruby: Sapphire!

pg 21

 Ruby: Sapphire?

 Ruby: P-o-w-e-r…?

 Ruby: M-o-r-e
 Ruby: P-o-w-e-r

pg 22

 Ruby: "More Power”
 Ruby: We don’t have enough power to face the meteor. That’s why it’s mad?

 Ruby: What should we…

 Ruby: That’s it!

 Ruby: That mural I took a picture of at the Sky Pillar… I wonder if it has any

 Ruby: Hm? Right, it’d be good for you to see it.

pg 23

 Ruby: Hm? That?

 Ruby: You mean that’s Rayquaza?

 Ruby: It’s Mega Evolution!!

pg 24

 Ruby: So to face the meteor, Rayquaza has to evolve into Mega Rayquaza!!

pg 25

 Ruby: So you came.
 Ruby: I’d hoped you would. What great timing.

 Zinnia: You’re one impudent little boy.
 Zinnia: To rendezvous on top of the Dragon Lord when I already didn’t like

 Zinnia: If you’re going to act as a duo…

 Zinnia: We will, too!
 Zinnia: Lend me your power, Aster.

Source: tumbrl


Elite Top Ranger
Pokémon Trainer
Jun 12, 2014
Generation Started
3rd Generation
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Lucario, Blaziken, Pachirisu, Umbreon
PkmnGO Team
Thanks for the translation. :3


Pokémon Trainer
Jun 20, 2016
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4th Generation
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PkmnGO Team
Why not publish the manga with the words in English . It can be found here *link removed*
Post Scriptum
Sorry if my English is not very good , but I'm Italian , read and translate easy for me , but not write
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Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
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Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
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Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
Why not publish the manga with the words in English . It can be found here *link removed*
Post Scriptum
Sorry if my English is not very good , but I'm Italian , read and translate easy for me , but not write
Hi! Welcome to the community @DavideGB ! :h2i: I hope you will have a nice stay here!
Seems that many users here are from Italy (I live there too XD)
The manga is already translated by some fans (I had to remove the link since it's our rule) and in a few of months the manga will be officially published in english by Perfect Square (and Viz) like we announced here: http://www.pokemon-trainer.com/threads/pokemon-special-oras-chapters.427/page-8#post-4149 so it will be illegal for us having scans (it's already illegal so we don't host them, but they usually close one eye or two if the manga isn't officially published into english by someone). That's why we only link to the official Japanese website and talk about the chapters.


Pokémon Trainer
Jun 20, 2016
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PkmnGO Team
I'm sorry. I did not know.

Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
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Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
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Elite Top Ranger
Pokémon Trainer
Jun 12, 2014
Generation Started
3rd Generation
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Lucario, Blaziken, Pachirisu, Umbreon
PkmnGO Team
Most brutal chapter of the arc. o.o

Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
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Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
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Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
Most brutal chapter of the arc. o.o
I want to know why the RS and ORAS arc are the most cruel arc of the series XD
(In RS Norman nearly killed Ruby... in the first chapters Sapphire was attacked by a Seviper... and now in ORAS we have this chapter XDD)

Anyway... someone noticed how cute was Rayquaza with Zinnia? asd


Pokémon Trainer
Jun 20, 2016
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4th Generation
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PkmnGO Team

Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
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Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
Chapter 19 translations:
Source: tumbrl

pg 1

 Zinnia: I’ll knock the both of you off the Dragon Lord!

 Zinnia: The ones to destroy the meteor…
 Zinnia: Will be the Draconids!

pg 3

 Zinnia: Don’t worry about Gardevoir and Gallade!
 Zinnia: Your targets are the kid and the lamb!*

 Ruby: There was another pokemon here!?

 Zinnia: “Dragon Pulse”!

 Ruby: Ruru, “Misty Terrain”!

pg 4

 Ruby: Ruru! Kiruru!
 Zinnia: You can’t halve the power of Noivern’s “Boomburst” with “Misty

 Ruby: That pokemon- When did it…! I didn’t see you give a command!*

 Zinnia: I told you. If you were going to act as a duo, we would, too.

pg 5

 Ruby: Wah…!

pg 6

 Ruby: Rayquaza! Why are you going after Noivern?

 Ruby: What?

 Ruby: It looked like someone was on top of Noivern?

 Zinnia: So you felt it too, huh, kiddo!

 Zinnia: Even if they’re not here, their feelings are. Someone who took on the
 feelings of the one who bonded is here.

 Zinnia: The Dragon Lord can feel it, too.

 Ruby: Aster’s Noivern..!?

pg 7

 Ruby: Kuh…!

pg 9

 Sapphire: Rubyyyy!

pg 10

 Sapphire: Rubyyyyy!

 Ruby: Sa… Sapph…
 Ruby: Your… voi… ce.
pg 12

 Zinnia: Phew…
 Zinnia: Now there’s no one in my way.

 Zinnia: Dragon Lord…

 Zinnia: It has been a while.
 Zinnia: I have been searching for you since rescuing you from the Pokemon
 Association’s research tower.

pg 13

 Zinnia: Despite awakening Kyogre and Groudon in hope of your return,
 Zinnia: You bonded with and were used by unworthy folk, and out of anger
 you hid yourself once more.

 Zinnia: I, The Draconid, Zinnia,
 Zinnia: Have become Lorekeeper in Aster’s stead.

 Zinnia: If you would be so kind,
 Zinnia: As to form a bond with someone the likes of myself…

pg 14

 Zinnia: Dragon Lord…

pg 15

 Zinnia: I have prepared five Key Stones.
 Zinnia: P… Please calm yourself.

 Zinnia: Please form a bond with me…

 Zinnia: So that we may… Save this planet…

pg 17

 Emerald: Heeey!

 Ruby: Emerald!
 Emerald: I’m glad you’re safe!

 Emerald: When I saw you two fall off of Rayquaza I was worried…
 Ruby: Thanks to Sapphire and Troppy, we’re safe!

 Ruby: Where’s Rayquaza?
 Emerald: It’s still circling the skies above Sootopolis.

 Emerald: It’s still pretty riled up.
 Emerald: I wonder if I can do anything with this…

pg 18

 Ruby: The E-Shooter? But what dirt will you use?
 Emerald: Dirt from Meteor Village. Think it’ll work?

 Ruby: If only we had our Mega Bracelets…
 Sapphire: What happened ta Zinnia?

 Emerald: She was severely rejected by Rayquaza and plopped right into the
 Latias: Brother said he’d saved her and is dropping her off in Sootopolis City.
 We should go, too.

 Latias: Brother.
 Latios: Yes. There’s nothing life-threatening.

pg 19

 Steven: Ruby?

 Ruby: Steven! Mr. Stone!
 Steven: Sapphire and Emerald are here, too!

 Zinnia: …S…
 Zinnia: Sto…ne?

pg 20

 Mr. Stone: I’m glad…
 Mr. Stone: I wanted to see you, Zinnia.

 Zinnia: I bet you think I deserved this.
 Zinnia: Laugh at me, criticize me, do whatever you want.
 Mr. Stone: No…

 Mr. Stone: That’s not it.
 Mr. Stone: I want to apologize to you… No, all of the Draconid people.

 Zinnia: …Apologize?
 Zinnia: You want to apologize?

 Mr. Stone: We were not making light of the Draconids’ lore when we
 captured Rayquaza for research.

pg 21

 Mr. Stone: Because we believed it,
 Mr. Stone: We tried to gain complete control of Rayquaza’s power.

 Mr. Stone: But we were in too much of a rush.

 Mr. Stone: We failed to take the time to gain the Draconids’ trust and
 Mr. Stone: and attempted to capture Rayquaza on our own.

 Mr. Stone: For that purpose,
 Mr. Stone: We did something that could never be undone at the Embedded

 Mr. Stone: Then, unable to control Rayquaza,
 Mr. Stone: We used your attack as an excuse to let it run off and abandon
 the project.

 Mr. Stone: We then focused solely on the development of the warping

 Mr. Stone: But I want you to believe me. We sincerely wanted to save this
 planet, and thought we had chosen the right path.

 Mr. Stone: But in the end, we still slighted you.
 Mr. Stone: I want to apologize for that, so please…

pg 22

 Mr. Stone: Please…
 Mr. Stone: Forgive me.

 Zinnia: Did you see that? Did you hear that? …Aster.

 Zinnia: He wants us to forgive him.

 Zinnia: He isn’t…
 Zinnia: Apologizing at all.

pg 23

 Zinnia: He just wants to lessen the brunt of his crimes,
 Zinnia: And wants us to forgive him.

 Zinnia: I can hear it in every word you speak…
 Zinnia: Your arrogance.

 Zinnia: There’s nothing the Draconids can do that you can’t.
 Zinnia: As long as you have science, you can easily control a legendary
 Zinnia: That’s what you thought, right?

 Zinnia: The same goes for the warping device.
 Zinnia: Did you even know where the meteor would go?

 Zinnia: What if there was another planet with life just like ours? What would
 you do?
 Zinnia: Did you even consider that it might be destroyed?

 Mr. Stone: That’s…
 Zinnia: It’s just like it was at the Embedded Tower. Nothing’s changed.

 Zinnia: Even if there was something that could be hurt or broken…
 Zinnia: You’d be too concerned with the region and planet’s safety, and not
 even think of it.
 Zinnia: You…

pg 24

 Zinnia: Don’t have enough…
 Zinnia: Imagination…

 Zinnia: Since we lost Aster, the villagers have given up.
 Zinnia: They think there’s nothing they can do to prevent this planet’s

 Zinnia: I wanted to do something about that.
 Zinnia: I knew I was nowhere near Aster’s level.
 Zinnia: But I’d decided I’d do everything I could do protect the planet.

pg 25

 Zinnia: Once I took the title of Lorekeeper, villagers who didn’t think I was
 strong enough…
 Zinnia: Who wouldn’t acknowledge me came to get in my way.

 Zinnia: In the end, they might’ve been right.

 Emerald: You’ve gotta be kidding, you two.

 Emerald: Dragging in the people around you and doing as you please,
 throwing Hoenn and other people’s lives into a panic,

 Emerald: Then going into give-up mode- Who do you think you are?

 Emerald: There are still things left…
 Emerald: That you can do, right?


Pokémon Trainer
Jun 20, 2016
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4th Generation
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PkmnGO Team
Finally the traslation

PokedexHolder Ruby

"The Charmer"
Pokémon Trainer
Sep 19, 2015
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3rd Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Good job rayquaza~
The power of love made sapphire able to talk again ~w~


Pokémon Trainer
Jul 22, 2016
Hey there. You guys know that Aya (the one who writes the translation) and myself have it scanlated, too?

We release it a few days after our text translation.
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