pg 1
Zinnia: I’ll knock the both of you off the Dragon Lord!
Zinnia: The ones to destroy the meteor…
Zinnia: Will be the Draconids!
pg 3
Zinnia: Don’t worry about Gardevoir and Gallade!
Zinnia: Your targets are the kid and the lamb!
Ruby: There was another pokemon here!?
Zinnia: “Dragon Pulse”!
Ruby: Ruru, “Misty Terrain”!
pg 4
Ruby: Ruru! Kiruru!
Zinnia: You can’t halve the power of Noivern’s “Boomburst” with “Misty
Ruby: That pokemon- When did it…! I didn’t see you give a command!*
Zinnia: I told you. If you were going to act as a duo, we would, too.
pg 5
Ruby: Wah…!
pg 6
Ruby: Rayquaza! Why are you going after Noivern?
Ruby: What?
Ruby: It looked like someone was on top of Noivern?
Zinnia: So you felt it too, huh, kiddo!
Zinnia: Even if they’re not here, their feelings are. Someone who took on the
feelings of the one who bonded is here.
Zinnia: The Dragon Lord can feel it, too.
Ruby: Aster’s Noivern..!?
pg 7
Ruby: Kuh…!
pg 9
Sapphire: Rubyyyy!
pg 10
Sapphire: Rubyyyyy!
Ruby: Sa… Sapph…
Ruby: Your… voi… ce.
pg 12
Zinnia: Phew…
Zinnia: Now there’s no one in my way.
Zinnia: Dragon Lord…
Zinnia: It has been a while.
Zinnia: I have been searching for you since rescuing you from the Pokemon
Association’s research tower.
pg 13
Zinnia: Despite awakening Kyogre and Groudon in hope of your return,
Zinnia: You bonded with and were used by unworthy folk, and out of anger
you hid yourself once more.
Zinnia: I, The Draconid, Zinnia,
Zinnia: Have become Lorekeeper in Aster’s stead.
Zinnia: If you would be so kind,
Zinnia: As to form a bond with someone the likes of myself…
pg 14
Zinnia: Dragon Lord…
pg 15
Zinnia: I have prepared five Key Stones.
Zinnia: P… Please calm yourself.
Zinnia: Please form a bond with me…
Zinnia: So that we may… Save this planet…
pg 17
Emerald: Heeey!
Ruby: Emerald!
Emerald: I’m glad you’re safe!
Emerald: When I saw you two fall off of Rayquaza I was worried…
Ruby: Thanks to Sapphire and Troppy, we’re safe!
Ruby: Where’s Rayquaza?
Emerald: It’s still circling the skies above Sootopolis.
Emerald: It’s still pretty riled up.
Emerald: I wonder if I can do anything with this…
pg 18
Ruby: The E-Shooter? But what dirt will you use?
Emerald: Dirt from Meteor Village. Think it’ll work?
Ruby: If only we had our Mega Bracelets…
Sapphire: What happened ta Zinnia?
Emerald: She was severely rejected by Rayquaza and plopped right into the
Latias: Brother said he’d saved her and is dropping her off in Sootopolis City.
We should go, too.
Latias: Brother.
Latios: Yes. There’s nothing life-threatening.
pg 19
Steven: Ruby?
Ruby: Steven! Mr. Stone!
Steven: Sapphire and Emerald are here, too!
Zinnia: …S…
Zinnia: Sto…ne?
pg 20
Mr. Stone: I’m glad…
Mr. Stone: I wanted to see you, Zinnia.
Zinnia: I bet you think I deserved this.
Zinnia: Laugh at me, criticize me, do whatever you want.
Mr. Stone: No…
Mr. Stone: That’s not it.
Mr. Stone: I want to apologize to you… No, all of the Draconid people.
Zinnia: …Apologize?
You want to
Mr. Stone: We were
not making light of the Draconids’ lore when we
captured Rayquaza for research.
pg 21
Mr. Stone: Because we believed it,
Mr. Stone: We tried to gain complete control of Rayquaza’s power.
Mr. Stone: But we were in too much of a rush.
Mr. Stone: We failed to take the time to gain the Draconids’ trust and
Mr. Stone: and attempted to capture Rayquaza on our own.
Mr. Stone: For that purpose,
Mr. Stone: We did something that could never be undone at the Embedded
Mr. Stone: Then, unable to control Rayquaza,
Mr. Stone: We used your attack as an excuse to let it run off and abandon
the project.
Mr. Stone: We then focused solely on the development of the warping
Mr. Stone: But I want you to believe me. We sincerely wanted to save this
planet, and thought we had chosen the right path.
Mr. Stone: But in the end, we still slighted you.
Mr. Stone: I want to apologize for that, so please…
pg 22
Mr. Stone: Please…
Mr. Stone: Forgive me.
Zinnia: Did you see that? Did you hear that? …Aster.
Zinnia: He wants us to forgive him.
Zinnia: He isn’t…
Zinnia: Apologizing at all.
pg 23
Zinnia: He just wants to lessen the brunt of his crimes,
Zinnia: And wants us to forgive him.
Zinnia: I can hear it in every word you speak…
Zinnia: Your arrogance.
Zinnia: There’s nothing the Draconids can do that you can’t.
Zinnia: As long as you have science, you can easily control a legendary
Zinnia: That’s what you thought, right?
Zinnia: The same goes for the warping device.
Zinnia: Did you even know where the meteor would go?
Zinnia: What if there was another planet with life just like ours? What would
you do?
Zinnia: Did you even consider that it might be destroyed?
Mr. Stone: That’s…
Zinnia: It’s just like it was at the Embedded Tower. Nothing’s changed.
Zinnia: Even if there was something that could be hurt or broken…
Zinnia: You’d be too concerned with the region and planet’s safety, and not
even think of it.
Zinnia: You…
pg 24
Zinnia: Don’t have enough…
Zinnia: Imagination…
Zinnia: Since we lost Aster, the villagers have given up.
Zinnia: They think there’s nothing they can do to prevent this planet’s
Zinnia: I wanted to do something about that.
Zinnia: I knew I was nowhere near Aster’s level.
Zinnia: But I’d decided I’d do everything I could do protect the planet.
pg 25
Zinnia: Once I took the title of Lorekeeper, villagers who didn’t think I was
strong enough…
Zinnia: Who wouldn’t acknowledge me came to get in my way.
Zinnia: In the end, they might’ve been right.
Emerald: You’ve gotta be kidding, you two.
Emerald: Dragging in the people around you and doing as you please,
throwing Hoenn and other people’s lives into a panic,
Emerald: Then going into give-up mode- Who do you think you are?
Emerald: There are still things left…
Emerald: That you can do, right?