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XY Pokemon X-Y: Nintendo Direct (Fairy Type confirmed)

Pokemon Trainer

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Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
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PkmnGO Team
The Fairy Type is confirmed!
The Fairy type will be super effective against dragon type. Two new Fairy moves will be: Moonblast and Fairy Wind.
Sylveon will be Fairy type like some old Pokémon like:
- Marill will be water/Fairy
- Jigglypuff will be Normal/Fairy
- Gardevoir will be Psychic/Fairy

Pokémon X and Y will be released date is October 12, 2013 (worldwide) in retail and download version.

A new Pokémon (called Vivillon) was show. Vivilion is a Bug/Flying Pokémon and can learn Struggle Bug.
It's pre-evolution is called Spewpa (this information has been revelead only in the Spanish, Italian German and French official websites).


Another new Pokémon has been revealed! It's called Noivern (it will have a new move called Boomburst, a normal type move).
Noivern wll be a Flying/Dragon type.


A new feature called "Pokémon-amie" allows you to interact with Pokémon: you will be able to feed them and play with them.

The official Pokémon site has been updated!!
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