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XY Pokemon XY: Slurpuff and Aromatisse revealed

Pokemon Trainer

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Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
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PkmnGO Team
The official Pokémon website revealed the two Pokémon that we have see the other day.

Slurpuff is the evolution of Swirlix and is exclusive to Pokémon X. It is a Fairy type with the ability Sweet Veil.
Slurpuff has an unbelievable sense of smell—a hundred million times more sensitive than that of humans. With its highly attuned senses, it can distinguish the faintest of odors.


Aromatisse is exclusive to Pokémon Y and is a Fairy type Pokémon. It has the ability Healer.
Aromatisse can give off a variety of different smells, from a pleasant fragrance to an odor so repugnant to its opponent that it can turn a battle in its favor.
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