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Rumble "PokemonRumbleWorld.com" Domain Registered in U.S.

Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
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Staff member
Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
A week ago, the Australian Classification Board classified a game under the title "Pokémon Rumble World" (you can read the news here) and a website domain, pokemonrumbleworld.com , was registered on Wednesday in the United States.
At the moment the website is blank.

The game is rated PG due to mild violence and will have some online interactivity.

Pokémom Rumble is a spin-off series and currently has three entries: Pokémon Rumble (for Wii), Pokémon Rumble Blast (Nintendo 3DS) and Pokémon Rumble U (for Wii U).

Source: Nintendo Life
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