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Here we can talk about the XY arc of Pokémon Special :yesyes:

ALERT: there can be many spoilers so sometimes there won't be the spoiler tag

Seems that in this chapter Y caught Xerneas and there's Blue with his Charizard!!

Pokemon Trainer

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The next volume (XY vol. 4) will be released in Japan on December 28, 2015

Pokemon Trainer

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Green saved Diantha and they started talking about Zygarde (50%)
There's Rowan!! And he is talking about the Hoenn Weather Trio! So ORAS happened before XY? Or he is thinking about what is happening in Hoenn since Red and Blue went there??
Y officially caught Xerneas! :hype: And got a Mega Ring (but her new hair style is horrible :suspect: the previous one was better :yesyes:)
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Pokemon Trainer

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May 14, 2014
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Croaky evolved into Greninja!
And... Mewtwo returns! (I think that it's the same Mewtwo caught by Red but who knows? asd )

We begin with X having a nightmare of confronting Lysandre again, and having his full team slaughtered. He wakes from fright and feels frustrated about his subconscious fear, thus deciding to walk it off. Outside, Wikstrom is using his Probopass to create road guides for the group. He is accompanied by Drasna. It seems that the group has met up with the other Elite 4 sometime between the last chapter and this. Wikstrom and Drasna’s overtly concerned attitude makes X further frustrated, and Diantha comes out to pacify things. Meanwhile, at the Pokemon Village, Xerosic reports to Lysandre about having lost touch with Essentia, where Zygarde’s trails also disappeared at the same time. Lysandre orders Xerosic to abandon the Expansion Suit project as it is getting out of hand. Xerosic tries to bargain but shuts his mouth when he sees that Lysandre is genuinely furious.

The next day, everyone is set to go, and Wikstrom explains how he has extruded ore bulks from the ground to guide their way. Siebold has prepared lunch for them, and Drasna gives them a memo on what she knows about Zygarde. Xerneas has reverted back to its Tree Forme inside the Pokeball again, and Salame has become reclusive ever since the Mega Stone/Mega Ring/Sundial echo thing (seems it is depressed after seeing how everyone else has a Mega Stone, except Marisso that is). Diantha and Green travel with the group. As they make their way to the Village, a mist surrounds them and Croaky suddenly attacks at the mist. It then evolves, and hits everyone’s face with a Water Shuriken, filling everyone’s ears with water. Everyone wonders what Croaky is doing, and Green feels like it is warning them of something. Soon enough, everyone falls asleep one by one, and it turns out that Xerosic has set Malamar’s Hypnosis along the route to thwart them. He is shocked however, when X remains awake, and Croaky soon takes care of Malamar. X explains that he didn’t shake out the water from his ear, which helped block out the Hypnosis. Croaky also protected itself because it wrapped its tongue around its ears.

Anyway, X realizes that something must be going on at the Pokemon Village if Xerosic has come out all the way to thwart them when he could have set the traps at the village. Meanwhile, Siebold, Drasna, and Wikstrom have stomped over the Team Flare Grunts stationing on routes 19, 20 and 22. The Grunts at Geosenge also send out a distress message but it didn’t specify whom they are dealing with. The very last scene shows Mewtwo inside the cave at the Pokemon Village.

Source: tumblr
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Pokemon Trainer

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Mega Charizard!
X got Mega Charizard X (roftl) while Green got Mega Charizard Y

Pokemon Trainer

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May 14, 2014
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A quick sumary of this months chapter:

  • [*]Diantha managed to slink away towards the Pokemon Village when the others kept Xerosic busy. However, she was (expectedly) intercepted by Malva, who set Yveltal there to stop them as well. Diantha is glad that Green and X were not thwarted, but Malva seemed happy enough to take down Diantha. She gets Talonflame to slice at Diantha while bidding her farewell.
    [*]Green and X told Y and Trevor to get to Shauna and Tierno while they head to the Village.
    [*]-There, they find not a single Pokemon but some knocked down TF Grunts.
    [*]Mewtwo is apparently fighting Lysandre’s Pokemon, but when Green tried to call out to it (introducing himself as a Kanto Dex Holder), Mewtwo seemed not to hear him.
    [*]Lysandre said Mewtwo was the secret protector of the Village, which explained why the supposedly human-traumatized Pokemon at the Village did not fear Team Flare when they arrived. However, Mewtwo finally showed up when TF took the Pokemon away to the Ultimate Weapon.
    [*]Lysandre was hoping that after Mewtwo tires out when battling Green/X, he could capture it.
    [*]Mewtwo uses Psystrike, but hits Lysandre’s Pokemon instead.
    [*]Mewtwo suddenly Mega Evolves, which means it is ‘owned’, and we see a silhouette. Lysandre activates some secret device after knowing that Mewtwo is owned.
    [*]Cassius and his team noticed that Pokemon has been moved in Emma’s PC and tracked her to Route 22. Zygarde soon shows up.





Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
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May 14, 2014
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The XY chapter come to an end.
(But seems that Blue will go to Alola since Sycamore pointed to a tropical island and in the same page there's a Zygarde cell!


Careful, Confident, Classy
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It's the same Mewtwo?????
Good job, Pokemon special!!
You are officially better than the anime!! Haha

Pokemon Trainer

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May 14, 2014
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According to the XY volume that just came out in Japan, Y’s Greninja has the Battle Bond ability!

Pokemon Trainer

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May 14, 2014
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From Yamamoto's Twitter:
In last year’s fan meeting, I said “Please don’t worry, they’re not dead.” in regards to this panel. I put the blood on a different layer, because I was concerned this wouldn’t be allowed. I suppose that rather than take a chance, I placed limitations on myself, but the bloodshed version ended up being approved for printing. The editorial staff and the publisher are really open minded!
Translation source: here!


Famous entrainment promoter of Unova and Trainer
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View attachment 1382
According to the XY volume that just came out in Japan, Y’s Greninja has the Battle Bond ability!

That's why I keep saying that X and Y could appear in SM soon, because Greninja can only get the battle bond ability in SM!
And I wonder if something will happen due to that bond ability... :lole2:

Pokemon Trainer

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May 14, 2014
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That's why I keep saying that X and Y could appear in SM soon, because Greninja can only get the battle bond ability in SM!
And I wonder if something will happen due to that bond ability... :lole2:
Something like... what? asd


Famous entrainment promoter of Unova and Trainer
Pokémon Trainer
Feb 24, 2018
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Froakie and Snivy
Something like... what? asd

Source from Bulbapedia:
Battle Bond (Ability) Defeating an opposing Pokémon strengthens the Pokémon's bondwith its Trainer, and it becomes Ash-Greninja. Water Shuriken gets more powerful. Battle Bond (Japanese: きずなへんげ Bond Transformation) is an event-exclusive Abilityintroduced in Generation VII

That's what I mean... Teehee! (But it will become Ash-Greninja even if the trainer isnt Ash? It should be something like: Trainer-Greninja (Trainer is for the name of the trainer)? Someone please explain)

Pokemon Trainer

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May 14, 2014
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Source from Bulbapedia:

That's what I mean... Teehee! (But it will become Ash-Greninja even if the trainer isnt Ash? It should be something like: Trainer-Greninja (Trainer is for the name of the trainer)? Someone please explain)
The Battle Bond ability will be explained when Game Freak will do a remake roftlroftlroftlroftlroftlroftl joke
I want to know too how Greninja will become :yesyes2: :sisi2:

Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
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Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
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Vol. 58 will be released in Japan on August 28, 2020!
(for now there isn't a cover)
Source: Amazon JP
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