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This manga is an adaptation of the Pokémon anime and follows the plot of the Pokémon: Indigo League and Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange League seasons.
Not all the episoded were added to the manga and only a few selected episodes were adapted into manga form.
Ash and Pikachu often travels alone and sometimes Misty or Brock join Ash in his journey. Some of Ash's Pokémon are different from the anime: in the manga Ash has a Fearow while in the anime he catches Pidgeotto.
The manga concludes with Ash's victory in the Orange League.

The Manga was translated into english by VIZ Media.

The Electric Tale of Pikachu
Chapter 1: Pikachu, I see you!
Chapter 2: Play Misty for me
Chapter 3: Clefairy Tale
Chapter 4: Haunting My Dreams

Pikachu Shocks Back
Chapter 5: The Human Race and the Pokemon Race
Chapter 6: To Evolve or Not to Evolve, That Is the Question!
Chapter 7: Pikachu's Excellent Adventure
Chapter 8: You Gotta Have Friends

Electric Pikachu Boogaloo
Chapter 9: I'm your Venusaur
Chapter 10: Clefairy in Space
Chapter 11: Days of Gloom and Glory
Chapter 12: Welcome to the Big Leagues
Chapter 13: The Indigo Finals
Chapter 14: The Orange Islands

Surf's Up, Pikachu
Chapter 15: Attack of the Demon Stomach
Chapter 16: You Bet Your Wife
Chapter 17: The Orange Crew Supreme Gym Leader
Chapter 18: Pikachu's Plan
Chapter 19: Ash vs Gary
Chapter 20: Epilogue: Wild Type
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