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The Worst Change To A Pokemon: Part One

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the kid from 2015 that never grew up
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  1. The Worst Change To A Pokemon: Part One | By: PigLover1202
Chapter 1: Back To Sinnoh?
As Ash, Pikachu, and Serena leave Kalos to go to Kanto after saying goodbye to Clemont and Bonnie, Pikachu starts to get very ill. Ash tried to cure him but there was no use. Even Nurse Joy couldn't figure it out. All of a sudden, they saw Xerneas, the legendary Pokemon! "I might be able to heal your Pikachu" said Xerneas. "But it will cost you." "How much?!" asked Ash "I will pay anything!" "You may not like it" answered Xerneas. "I don't care what it is, just do it!" "Fine. But your punishment will be the truth." What could that possibly mean? Anyways, Pikachu was quickly healed and Ash and Serena left for Kanto. However, they had gone on the wrong plane! Instead, they were heading for Sinnoh! "This is bad!" thought Ash. He could tell Serena was thinking the same thing. When the plane landed, Serena quickly ran to the airport and booked the next flight for Kanto, which was 1 hour. The bad thing is, Ash didn't know she did! Serena had left without him! "Oh great!" said Ash. "What are we going to do now, Pikachu? "Maybe we could find the next flight?" replied Pikachu. Ash was shocked to see Pikachu talk. "How long have you been able to do this?!" asked Ash. "Since Xerneas healed me" he replied. "He told me not to tell you, but I wanted to see your reaction." Pikachu laughed. "Wow, that's so cool!" said Ash, amazed. "But how will we get back to Kanto?" Suddenly, they saw Dawn get off of a plane. "Hey, Dawn!" shouted Ash. "Pika Pika!" said Pikachu, trying to not let Dawn know he could talk. "What are you guys doing here?" asked Dawn. Of course, Piplup was extremely happy to see them. "Well, we were supposed to go to Kanto, but we got on the wrong plane, and now we're here." said Ash. "Well, unless you want to steal a plane ticket, you could come with us for right now. Suddenly, Pikachu had a weird feeling. Steal? That word just got to him. "Steal" "That would be great! Right Pikachu?" replied Ash. Pikachu stood in silence. He was still thinking about that word. "Pikachu, are you okay?" asked Ash with a concerned look on his face. Pikachu snapped out of it. "Pika Pika!" said Pikachu happily, though he was still thinking about the word. And then it was settled. Ash, Pikachu, and Dawn were traveling together once again. This time with a more concerned Pikachu.
Chapter 2: Acting Up
Ash, Dawn, Pikachu, and Piplup were walking down the path as they saw a battle break out. One guy had a Stunky, while the other had a Bibarel. "Stunky, use Thief!" the trainer demanded. Pikachu had that weird feeling again. "Thief" That word also got to him. At the end of the battle, the trainer with the Bibarel won. "Hey, Dawn! Wanna have a battle, too?" asked Ash. "Why not?" answered Dawn. The rules are one-on-one and they had to pick their Pokemon before the battle and they couldn't change their minds. "Go, Bunneary!" shouted Dawn. "Pikachu, I choose you!" shouted Ash. And so, Pikachu and Buneary battled. However, Pikachu might have taken it too far. Normally, he would go easy on her, but this time, he gave no mercy. He didn't even let her attack. He didn't even follow Ash's orders, he just kept on attacking. Obviously, Pikachu won the match, but Ash didn't feel like a winner. If Pikachu didn't follow his orders, then technically Ash did nothing and therefore, didn't win. "Pikachu, what was that?!" screamed Ash. "It's called skill." replied Pikachu? Dawn's eyes grew huge after hearing Pikachu talk. "He can...he can talk?!?!?!" screamed Dawn. "Um, no." said Bunneary. "Not at all." "You can talk too?!?!?", screamed Dawn. "Um, maybe..." said Bunneary. "Woah, I knew Pikachu could talk, but I had no idea Bunneary could too.", said Ash. "Wait! You knew?!" Dawn screamed loudly. "Yeah, but I found out right before I met up with you." said Ash. "So I haven't known for long." "Well, it looks like we're going to be traveling with talking Pokemon from now on." said Dawn. "But I still don't understand how this happened." "Neither do I, but all I'm wondering is why Pikachu went so hard on Bunneary. He wouldn't even obey my command." replied Ash. "He wouldn't let me say anything!" said Dawn. "All I could do was stand in shock watching Bunneary get hurt." "Yeah, what's up with that, Pikachu? I thought we were friends!" said Bunneary. "I honestly don't know what happened." said Pikachu. "I guess I just got really into it." "Try to be more gentle next time!" said Bunneary. After eating dinner, everyone went to sleep, well everyone but Pikachu. He couldn't stop thinking about the two words that were said. All of a sudden, there was a man with an Electivire named Bryan walking near the gang. "Look, Electivire! It's a weak little Pikachu!" said Bryan. Pikachu's ears perked up. "It's so puny!" Bryan laughed harder and harder. Pikachu started to get a little confused. "I bet if I put this thing in a battle against a Weedle it would still lose." said Bryan. "Yeah, it's THAT weak." Pikachu was staring to get ticked off. "You know, I could catch you and sell you to some new trainer for a lot of money!" Bryan continued. "I don't even have to weaken it first, it's already a weakling! Whatever, I'll do it anyway. Electivire, use Thunder Punch!" Suddenly, Pikachu started to change. His eyes turned blood red, and he looked real angry. As Pikachu's eyes turned normal, it doesn't mean he did. Pikachu dodged Electivire's attack and punched him in the stomach. Pikachu then got even stronger, and threw Electivire into a tree. After that, the battle got gruesome. Pikachu grabbed Electivire by the neck, and ripped out it's heart. Electivire fell on the ground, unconscious. Electivire was dead. Pikachu had killed him.
Chapter 3: Pikachu Finds The Dark Side
Bryan didn't know what to say. His Electivire had just been killed. Not fainted, like in any normal Pokemon battle, dead. A death caused by the electric mouse he had made fun of. Pikachu didn't feel slightly shocked or guilty. He knew what needed to be done, and he did it. "I suggest you run now. I don't think you want anymore Pokemon of yours to die." said Pikachu. "Who...who are you?" asked Bryan with a terrified look on his face. "I am Pikachu. The electric mouse who's about to kill you and your Pokemon if you don't leave right now!" said Pikachu. "My Electivire. My best friend. Is dead. How..how could you?" "It's called defending yourself. Look into it." replied Pikachu. "That wasn't defending yourself. You got annoyed and you killed someone because of it. You are not a cute little puny mouse. You are pure evil. I hope you get everything you deserve." "I'm about to give you everything YOU deserve" said Pikachu. "Wha...what?!" shouted Bryan. Pikachu quickly Thunder Punched him into a tree. Unlike Electivire, Bryan could feel much greater pain. His chest was covered in blood, and he had a sharp twig stuck in his arm. Pikachu gave him an evil glare. Then, he swiped Bryan's Pokeballs and smashed them, killing every Pokemon inside. "One more problem and I'll have you killed. You got lucky this time. You are no longer a trainer. All of your Pokemon are dead. Go home and don't come back. Unless you want to die." Pikachu said with a warning. "You may have killed my main team. But I have a ton more Pokemon in the PC." "Oh! Do you now?" Pikachu said with a smirk. "How interesting to note." "No! Don't go near that PC! It's filled with every Pokemon I own!" screamed Bryan. "And that's exactly why I'm going to break it." Pikachu said rolling his eyes. "I just need to know the PokeCenter it's stored in." "Well, PC's require a login to access your Pokemon, it's not based off of where it is." said Bryan realizing that he had given away too much information. "Wow! I had no idea! Thank you very much! I'll be sure to pay your Pokemon a visit" said Pikachu with an evil tone. "No!!" shouted Bryan. Bryan grabbed a pocket knife and swiped Pikachu's arm. "Oh, so that's how you wanna play? Alright, we can play that way." Pikachu used Iron Tail and sliced Bryan in half. Blood was all over him, but Pikachu didn't care. All he cared about was getting to that Pokemon center. Pikachu then gained a new power: Teleport! And then, he learned a move that no Pokemon could learn without being cursed by a legendary Pokemon. Pikachu was the only one to be cursed, meaning he was only one to know the move. This move was called One Shot, and it can kill anything in an instant. The only thing Pikachu had to do was bite someone, whether a person or a Pokemon, and they would be dead. Pikachu then stood as the most powerful Pokemon in the world. And just as he learned this power, Ash and Dawn woke up, and Pikachu had no clue what he had just done.

Wow! This is getting intense!!! Please tell me if I should do more!! I would truly appreciate it!


Magnemite, go!
Pokémon Trainer
Nov 3, 2015
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I always thought you hated reading and writing..

BTW that predict omg, how did you know I was gonna put the wrong location thing in my story too
Super reaches Kanto instead of Hoenn because of Sleep Powder which lasted 3.5 hours..
and the Ship he was on was for both Hoenn and Kanto, for Hoenn it took 5 hours and for Kant 1 more (or just 6 hours) sleep powder was used when 2 hours were left to reach Hoenn!

tbh you are literally doing the same thing I started on this forun LOL Joking, I was the first one to post a review and fan fiction NOT trying to fite but plz, because not many people are doing and it feels like you are copying me on the review thing (Well anyone can do that, but I'm a meanie XD)
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the kid from 2015 that never grew up
Thread Owner
Pokémon Trainer
Nov 9, 2015
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I always thought you hated reading and writing..

BTW that predict omg, how did you know I was gonna put the wrong location thing in my story too
Super reaches Kanto instead of Hoenn because of Sleep Powder which lasted 3.5 hours..
and the Ship he was on was for both Hoenn and Kanto, for Hoenn it took 5 hours and for Kant 1 more (or just 6 hours) sleep powder was used when 2 hours were left to reach Hoenn!

tbh you are literally doing the same thing I started on this forun LOL Joking, I was the first one to post a review and fan fiction NOT trying to fite but plz, because not many people are doing and it feels like you are copying me on the review thing (Well anyone can do that, but I'm a meanie XD)
Not true. I started working on this way before you posted yours. I have been working on it for like a month. There are still many more chapters to the story


Magnemite, go!
Pokémon Trainer
Nov 3, 2015
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Not true. I started working on this way before you posted yours. I have been working on it for like a month. There are still many more chapters to the story
I have been working on mine since August-September anyways I was just joking no need to be serious XD

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If you two have a similar story... why don't work together fusing the two stories in one? Or creating something new starting from this idea??
It can be interesting! :LOL: :lol:


Magnemite, go!
Pokémon Trainer
Nov 3, 2015
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If you two have a similar story... why don't work together fusing the two stories in one? Or creating something new starting from this idea??
It can be interesting! :LOL: :lol:
Our stories are not similar, I'm just saying he started doing this stuff (I mean the review thing) just after i started doing it
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