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Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
Thread Owner
Staff member
Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
Jumping... jellyfish. O.O

Well that explains a lot about those marks. And I have Blue too, so I'll try that out sometime.
The blue can't be used in the online competitions and in some ranking battles (only the black clover), but sometimes they do online competitions/ranking battles where you can use old Pokémon (this never apply to the official VGC rules)


Gardevoir Trainer
Pokémon Trainer
Dec 22, 2017
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Just got done some Pokken, gonna focus on making a Sinnoh team for the competition, already got 2 in mind: a Lucario and Garchomp... sadly Gardevoir and Gallade isn't in the dex, so gonna get working on a Alakazam once I get the first 2 available in the Battle Team.

Fun facts, if anyone knows my Gardevoir... her father IS a Alakazam (named Mystic), so... that's why the Alakazam, and the Lucario (named Cassius) is like a good friend to Nova. Garchomp, sadly, has no connections, other than one of my friend's favorite Pokemon. lol

*EDIT* Hush my mouth... saw the regulations and she IS able. Yay Nova! <3
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Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
Thread Owner
Staff member
Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
Just got done some Pokken, gonna focus on making a Sinnoh team for the competition, already got 2 in mind: a Lucario and Garchomp... sadly Gardevoir and Gallade isn't in the dex, so gonna get working on a Alakazam once I get the first 2 available in the Battle Team.

Fun facts, if anyone knows my Gardevoir... her father IS a Alakazam (named Mystic), so... that's why the Alakazam, and the Lucario (named Cassius) is like a good friend to Nova. Garchomp, sadly, has no connections, other than one of my friend's favorite Pokemon. lol

*EDIT* Hush my mouth... saw the regulations and she IS able. Yay Nova! <3
This competition is really strange... if you think about the Sinnoh dex you think about Garchomp, Electivire, Dusknoir and so on... all Pokémon from Sinnoh and... they added Pokémon like Alakazam, Azumarill, Clefable :uhmm:
But... why Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit are allowed but not Cresselia? Usually Cresselia is allowed :uhmm:

Took awhile, but I can form a team I'm sure that is able to compete... just need to level them, use caps, and FIND the one I don't have... on Friday.
Which one you don't have?? And, why on Friday? :praise:


Gardevoir Trainer
Pokémon Trainer
Dec 22, 2017
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
This competition is really strange... if you think about the Sinnoh dex you think about Garchomp, Electivire, Dusknoir and so on... all Pokémon from Sinnoh and... they added Pokémon like Alakazam, Azumarill, Clefable :uhmm:
But... why Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit are allowed but not Cresselia? Usually Cresselia is allowed :uhmm:

Which one you don't have?? And, why on Friday? :praise:
Because Infernape's preevolution isn't available, but it's okay since I changed my mind on it... the team I'm gonna use is the usual Gardevoir and Marth, followed by Iris the Absol, Vivian the Mismagius (may switch with Infernape named Wu Kong due to having a Ghost type already), Jeff the Gengar, and Cassius the Lucario.

And yes they all have names! :D

Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
Thread Owner
Staff member
Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
Because Infernape's preevolution isn't available, but it's okay since I changed my mind on it... the team I'm gonna use is the usual Gardevoir and Marth, followed by Iris the Absol, Vivian the Mismagius (may switch with Infernape named Wu Kong due to having a Ghost type already), Jeff the Gengar, and Cassius the Lucario.

And yes they all have names! :D
I love the Wu Kong reference to Journey to the West asd

I'm still unsure who to add... for sure Garchomp... maybe Infernape and... and.... :cry2: I have a lot of Pokémon that I want to add :wall::wall:


Gardevoir Trainer
Pokémon Trainer
Dec 22, 2017
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
I love the Wu Kong reference to Journey to the West asd

I'm still unsure who to add... for sure Garchomp... maybe Infernape and... and.... :cry2: I have a lot of Pokémon that I want to add :wall::wall:
A-actually... Wu Kong is a reference to Warframe's Wu Kong. :3 But close, though. Also mispelled, since in Warframe it's Wukong. lol


Gardevoir Trainer
Pokémon Trainer
Dec 22, 2017
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
I got a good idea on how to get Chimchar... I'm going back to Hoenn!! >:D Gonna try to get the HA of him in my Omega Ruby, so gonna see how that goes. The Elite 4 is gonna see my Nova again, and she is gonna SERIOUSLY do a pounding. Then...!

... Gonna see Birch. ._.

Gonna be one busy person. :/

Pokemon Trainer

Demon Buster Trainee
Thread Owner
Staff member
Pokémon Trainer
May 14, 2014
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Pikachu, Rayquaza and Zeraora
PkmnGO Team
I was hatching some Pokémon for the Ultra Alola Cup and a Larvitar + Honedge.
Honedge was the last one I hatched and... shiny!

Nurse Joey

Pokémon Trainer
Apr 7, 2019
The best are lillie lana mallow the fly elite four girl and the girl who loves fairy and drawing
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