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Shiny vs non shiny


As consistent as a Honda engine
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Feb 28, 2016
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This game is pretty simple, someone says a Pokémon and the person says if he/she prefer the shiny/non shiny version of that Pokémon, and then says another Pokémon.

For example:

Person 1:

Person 2:
Non shiny, because I prefer yellow over blue

What about Espeon?

Person 3:
Shiny, because green is my favourite colour!


And so on...

Now, let's get start... Emolga! roftl


Careful, Confident, Classy
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I think that question was meant for Diehl...
But then I realized it wasn't May who posted the thread, it was Diehl;;;:argh2:so confused...

I'm going to need some time to get used to this asd

Anyway, I prefer normal Emolga over shiny Emolga because the shiny's color palette is too opaque. I like solid and bold colors, so normal Emolga with basic black and yellow is better for me.

NexT: Green Rayquaza? or Black Rayquaza?roftl

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But then I realized it wasn't May who posted the thread, it was Diehl;;;:argh2:so confused...

I'm going to need some time to get used to this asd
You aren't the only one XDD before Deoxys was confused too XDDD (and same for me XDD)
Someone else wants to join the fun? :lole2:

NexT: Green Rayquaza? or Black Rayquaza?roftl
:cry2: how can I choose? :cry::cry:
But... I like thre green version better :yesyes: (while the Mega is better shiny :yesyes:)

Next: Deoxys


As consistent as a Honda engine
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Pokémon Trainer
Feb 28, 2016
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Emolga and Zapdos
PkmnGO Team
Non shiny, I think orange fits better on its shape.

Next: Luxray.


I think that question was meant for Diehl...
But then I realized it wasn't May who posted the thread, it was Diehl;;;:argh2:so confused...

I'm going to need some time to get used to this asd

You aren't the only one XDD before Deoxys was confused too XDDD (and same for me XDD)
Someone else wants to join the fun? :lole2:

Surprise! Now I'm @May's faker! Hahaha!

Did I confuse you all? You didn't expect that, did you? roftl

What can I say? Well, May is the second best character from the Pokémon anime (I don't need to say who is the first, or do I need? xD), then I saw this really cute fanart, and thought "Wynaut"? As I change my avatar pretty much every week, I did it. xD

But don't worry, soon (probably) I will find another Iris/Emolga span to clear up your minds. asd


Pokémon Trainer
Jun 1, 2016
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2nd Generation
PkmnGO Team
Shiny i really love the elettric yellow!

Next: Feraligatr.


As consistent as a Honda engine
Thread Owner
Pokémon Trainer
Feb 28, 2016
Generation Started
1st Generation
Favorite Pokémon
Emolga and Zapdos
PkmnGO Team
Shiny. I like that combination of different shades of blue. :yesyes:

Next: Lanturn.
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